A Tale of Two Poles: Culture, History, Personalities, Politics, and Film Converge
Richard J. Hunter, Jr. & Héctor R. Lozada

Journal of Business and Social Science Review Issue: Vol. 3; No.5; May 2022 (pp.1-14)

DOI: 10.48150/jbssr.v3no5.2022.a1

Post Date: 31 May

Agility in the Air Transport and Tourism Sectors: A Worldwide Vision COVID-19: An opportunity to rethink the air transport and tourism industry and to improve its contribution to mankind?
Dr. Jocelyne Napoli (Ph.D.); Pr. Andrew R. Goetz; Dr. Fabrice Drogoul; Dr. Monica Basile; Sébastien Depasse; IuliiaKozitska; Jerome Cavallo; Manuel Chaufrein; Thomas Silvie; Jeremy Brilland

Journal of Business and Social Science Review Issue: Vol. 3; No.5; May 2022 (pp.15-41)

DOI: 10.48150/jbssr.v3no5.2022.a2

Post Date: 31 May

The power of mayors and the crime of exploitation of prostitution: the cases of Italy, France and Germany
Valerio Di Stefano & Velia Olini

Journal of Business and Social Science Review Issue: Vol. 3; No.5; May 2022 (pp.42-51)

DOI: 10.48150/jbssr.v3no5.2022.a3

Post Date: 31 May